Looking for a unique salon supplier?
If so, look no further. Pedi Spas of America (or PSA) has what you need. While the brand is in an expensive and competitive niche, it still excels. And it does so due to its unique services. That is – it offers what few salon services have…
Such As?
Well, there are some unique features to their products. And they offer interesting “services” aimed at consumer wellbeing. Plus, there’s also “how they display themselves.” But let’s get into specifics. We’ll mention PSA’s unique feats below. Read the list, then check out their website!
#1 – Custom Furniture.
That’s right – no need to setup a “stock salon”! You can contact PSA, and have them design furniture per your specifications! You can get customization for…
•Reception Desks.
•Nail Tables.
•Nail Polish Displays.
•Pedi Carts.
•Dryer Stations.
You can get the colors and designs you demand. And this sets your salon’s interior apart from other competitors!
What About Pedicure Chairs?
Well, customizing those is hard. After all, they’re highly mechanical, and cost thousands of dollars. So PSA offers chairs that are pre-made. However, PSA gives you “unique options” for the chairs they offer. And they do so by…
#2 – Incorporating Interesting Chair Colors.
Most spas like to keep their colors neutral. That is, you get black/white, and their different shades… But PSA goes beyond that. They include bright and strong colors, ones you’d rarely find on pedicure units and massage chairs! And this doesn’t just apply to their cheap models. It applies to their expensive units too!
Example – Cloud 9 pedicure chair.
This $2400 is the most expensive of PSA’s lineup. Yet, you can get it in burgundy, cappuccino, and chocolate colors! And you can get similar colors for the tubs and bowls too! This is perfect if your spa audience is young. That way, you’ll have chairs that appeal to their brighter tastes!
#3 – Blog Updates (Industry-Related).
Want to keep up with regulations in the cosmetics industry? If so, stick to PSA. They have an “easy to access blog” that keeps you informed on vital changes. Their content is informative, but it’s also neat. That is, they have regulatory content organized “by state,” so you can keep your tracking local!
The Type of Info You’ll Get.
First, you’ll get info on the process of opening salons. You’ll get information on the “paperwork and fees” required per state. You’ll also get info on safety regulations. And this specifically applies to “chemicals” you use as part of your service… And let’s not forget licensing exams. You’ll get a guide on what you’ll be checked on, and why! It’s a Comprehensive Guide.And it’s a reason to follow PSA.
In fact, if you’re not following them for their products, then you should do so just for that blog. It’ll save you problems with regulatory agencies! The Info Doesn’t Here… Because you’re not just getting information on regulatory updates. You’re also getting…
#4 – Special Event Updates.
In the salon world, event attendance is part of your marketing. After all, you’re an offline business. And your clients are almost always locals. So you need to show up and make yourself known in the area. You’ll attract more business (especially if there’s a contest to win)… And – you’ll network with other businesses too! PSA helps with both. They have a section in their blog for event updates. And they like to advertise the major ones you should show up too!
#5 – Skincare Equipment.
Many salon manufacturers ignore this category. They focus only on nail and hair care. But skin enhancement equipment tends to be set aside, seen as less in-demand… Fortunately, PSA doesn’t ignore this area. They have a category setup for skincare! You can get everything from stones, to wax warmers, and towel storage. You can even get advanced equipment, like facial beds and steamers! You can setup an entire room for skincare and hot baths! And that’ll set your salon apart from competition!
PSA – Unique Salon Services.
Through their site, you’ll stay informed, get unique equipment, and customize unlike others. PSA is how you take a salon to the next level. So be sure to learn more about their products.