Today, we’ve got two unique chairs. Both are pricey. Both are massage chairs. Yet, both are excellent. But we’re putting them against one another, and for a reason…That is – they both use similar technologies. Yet, there’s a massive price gap between both chairs!
The Basics.
One chair uses 3D rollers motion (Luraco i7), and the other uses 4D (JPMedicss kumo). If you didn’t know, 4D is the best roller technology on the massage chair market…Yet, there’s a $2500 price gap between each chair!
Guess Which Chair’s Pricier?
It’s the Luraco i7, which has inferior technology. It doesn’t make sense, right? After all, you’d expect a 3D chair to cost (much) less than a 4D version. Basically, the Luraco i7 Plus is the more expensive of the two – at $9000 new. Alternatively, the JPMedics Kumo price midrange – at $6500 new.
So Fujimedic is Better?
It’s definitely cheaper. But that doesn’t make it better…Anyway, that’s why we have this review. We want to analyze the $2500 price difference. We’d like to know the reasons behind it…For Example): Is it a brand name thing? It is it superior quality? Or is it a pricing error by manufacturers? Keep reading to find out!
First – More Roller Analysis.
Thus far, the first trait we mentioned were the rollers. One has 3D, and the other has 4D. However, the roller differences don’t stop here. Fujimedic continues to outperform Luraco with an extra feature…That would be “roller heating.” And this means warmer massaging. The rollers now press on your back, while providing a “targeted warming effect”! This aids in muscle relaxation. It smoothens out tense muscles for an effective massage. Plus, with the 4D tech, you can rotate rollers in odd angles. And this lets you effectively massage “hard to reach” spots! But speaking of heating, that’ll be our next point…
Second – Heating Comparison.
So the Fujimedic chair has heated rollers…But this irrelevant, where the Luraco i7 has fully-body heating! And if you think about it, full heating is superior. After all, targeted heating does make for an odd massage experience…Part of your bodies stay cold – while others are warm. Thus, you get an uneven heat distribution. And in cold environments, it makes you shiver non-stop!
Fujimedic Fun Fact.
Did you know their chair was designed with “Chinese acupuncture” in-mind? That’s why you get heated rollers. It’s a way of focusing “sensory pressure” onto your back and necks…So in reality, those heated rollers aren’t for luxury. They’re more to suit a specific style of massaging!
The Verdict.
In the heating department, the Luraco i7 wins. But still, that doesn’t make up for its inferior roller technology…However, there’s more to a chair than rollers. So let’s move to the third point.
Third – Track Type.
Fujimedic uses an “L-Track.” That is, it uses one continuous track from the neck to hamstrings. Additionally, it provides separate rollers in the foot rest for leg massages. Luraco i7 doesn’t give info on its roller type. But, it mentions its massages as encompassing the same areas as Fujimedic. So they’re both equal in that regard.
Nice to Know.
Actually, it’s vital to know. Why pay $6500 to $9000 for chairs that don’t give full massages? If you’re getting less than that, you shouldn’t spend more than $3000!
Fourth – Chair Dimensions.
They matter, and for a reason. They define who can (and cannot) use each chair. Some chairs have weight limits on them. There are also height limits, specifically for the “headrest” and “footrest” extensions. We’ll shows those limits by listing specs below.
Luraco i7 Plus Specs.
•47 x 38 x 81 inches.
•265 lbs. assembled weight.
•Suitable for heights (4’ 7”) to (6’ 7”).
•Suitable for up to 300 lbs. of weight.
Fujimedic Kumo Specs.
•62.2 x 33.1 x 47.6 inches.
•Assembled weight (not available).
•Height and weight range (not available).
The Fujimedic chair doesn’t provide enough information on its specs. But we believe that its “dimensions” are enough…It gives us info on what the chair can tolerate. For starters, note the major height differences. That is 81 vs. 62 inches – in favor of Luraco i7. The Fujimedic chair is almost 25% shorter than Luraco. So expect it to accommodate shorter heights on average… That is, people exceeding 6’ 4” might struggle. Then there’s weight. Luraco i7 can tolerate up to 300 lbs. (or gross obesity). But we don’t assume Fujimedic’s capacity to be that high. With less mass, the chair will strain (possibly collapse) from use by heavier folk.
The Verdict.
Over all, the Luraco i7 seems to suit a wider market. It’s also heavier, which give it more advantages over Fujimedic. Why? Because heaviness means durability. Also, heavier chairs tend to be “technologically equipped” and “highly padded” too! And third, big chairs are cozier. Psychologically, they give you a deeper feeling of security. However, note that this heaviness has a drawback. That is, the Luraco i7 is more difficult to move around. So before assembling one, make sure you carefully plan its location!
Fifth – Entertainment Options.
They matter with a massage chair. After all, they’re used for relaxation. And part of being relaxed involves entertainment…This can be anything, from reading a book, to sipping a hot drink.
Available Options.
Unfortunately, in the entertainment department, Fujimedic fails to deliver. The Fujimedic Kumo is basically a massage chair, and nothing else. Listening to music, napping, or drinking isn’t an option. The Luraco i7 is similar in this regard. Beyond a couple of speakers, you don’t get cup holders, pockets, or anything else…
Because they have other priorities. That is, both chairs are unique in their purpose. They’re not designed with normal consumers in-mind. They’re designed for medical purposes too! We alluded to this earlier when we mentioned the “acupuncture focus” of the Fujimedic chair. As for the Luraco i7, manufacturers label it as a medical chair. And it comes with many-many functions that make it so!
Sixth – Medical Options.
Let’s focus on the Luraco i7 for now. This chair comes with a “heart rate” and “blood pressure monitor”! It’s a get-well soon chair. If you’re in a sick bed, or suffering from chronic health problems, this is your friend. And it makes it very suitable for senior citizens too!
Seven – Controls.
Alright, back to comparing both chairs. Fujimedic and Luraco have their own control systems. You may find one more suitable than the other. And each has its own advantages… For starters, Luraco i7 uses a touch-screen remote. From the outset, this gives you a wide range of customization options. You can change your massaging experience as you wish! And you’ll see that in the ability to set “5 personal user memory settings.” So you have 5 unique ways to use it! Now, the Fujimedic Kumo uses physical controls. They look quite elegant. And they’re located on the right arm (with a metallic knob and fancy remote). So it’s easily accessible. And being a part of the chair, you can’t possibly lose it. But, it gives you much less customization than the Luraco i7.
The Luraco i7’s control is technologically superior. Its touch-screen remote comes with a side pouch. So it’s easy to store. It’s also quite large, so losing it is difficult!
Eight – Aesthetics.
The final item on our list. Functionality aside, massage chairs still count as furniture. So their colors and looks matter. We mentioned specs, and in terms of size, Luraco i7 wins. That is, unless you prefer smaller furniture (where Fujimedic wins). But let’s focus on color. The Fujimedic chair is white. Immediately, that color spells luxury, which is odd since it’s the cheaper of the two…As for Luraco, it’s chocolate brown. But it’s dark, so it works well with most furniture pieces. In color, they both get a pass. Just note that the light color of Fujimedic make it hard it to clean.
Conclusion: Which Chair is Better?
The Luraco i7 is $2500 costlier. But through this article, we’ve provided sufficient justifications for that…It’s larger by 25% in height. It’s cozier, and suits more height/weight ranges. And it gives you more control options… But that doesn’t mean that Fujimedic Kumo is bad. In fact, it’s a good chair. So we could say that both chairs are good deals for their value. Especially if you’re using them for medical purposes!