Jade is regarded as a symbol of the beautiful and precious, embodying the virtues of Confucius: courage, compassion, modesty, wisdom and justice.
Chinese parents often give a jade bracelet as a gift to their daughters as a symbol of their love and protection. For Chinese people, jade is understood as a symbol that represents the virtues of compassion, courage, justice, wisdom, and modesty.
Jade is a stone that is sought after for its luminous quality and luster. In many historic texts the best quality jade is described as having a "greasy" smooth quality. The sound and ring a piece of jade makes when tapped is also an indication of quality. A higher pitched ring means it is a higher grade or quality. The rarer examples of jade that have colors such as "spinach" green mixed with cloud-like whites are reminiscent of nature and traditional Chinese paintings. The best quality jade is cool to the touch when first picked up, often described as an ice-cold touch.
Jade crystals have been found to balance the body's natural energy flow and help with emotional well-being, which will help create a more calm environment for the wearer. They also promote balance and stability. If you are interested in learning more about these benefits or how jade crystals work, please read below!
Handmade item
Bead size: 10mm
Materials: Gemstone
Gemstone: Natural Jade
Made to Order