

Blog posts of '2019' 'February'

Pedi Spas of America: Unique Services You Should Know About…
(0) Pedi Spas of America: Unique Services You Should Know About…
Looking for a unique salon supplier? If so, look no further. Pedi Spas of America (or PSA) has what you need. While the brand is in an expensive and competitive niche, it still excels. And it does so due to its unique services. That is – it offers what few salon services have…
Gulfstream: User-Friendly Shopping for Every Spa Owner!
(0) Gulfstream: User-Friendly Shopping for Every Spa Owner!
Running a business is hard. And specifically salon and spas…They’re comfort-oriented businesses. And they require expensive infrastructure to setup… For starters, you need a brick and mortar location. You then need 1000s of dollars in salon chairs, electronics, and proper interior design. Add to that skilled employees. After all, a spa doesn’t run itself. Basically – you need to make the job easier. And it all starts with the shopping. You need a brand that sells salon products, for good prices, while offering you a quality service. And one we recommend is “Gulfstream Inc.”
Lexor: The Spa Brand You Need
(0) Lexor: The Spa Brand You Need
Starting a new nail salon and spa? Or maybe you’re updating new pedicure chairs? Whatever it is, you need to shop. That is, you need infrastructure for your new project… Because you’re not just buying equipment. You’re also getting plumbing, electronics, and specialized furniture! For that – try Lexor.
Chinese vs. Japanese Massage Chairs: Which Should You Buy?
(0) Chinese vs. Japanese Massage Chairs: Which Should You Buy?
Common knowledge would dictate “Japanese.” After all, Japan and China have different manufacturing cultures. While China focuses on quickly fulfilling demand, Japan focuses on durability. And isn’t durability what you want in a massage chair? Isn’t a durable chair one worth the high price tag? After all, most good massage chairs are $3000 to $10,000.
Massage Chair Review: Luraco i7 Plus vs. JPmedics Kumo
(0) Massage Chair Review: Luraco i7 Plus vs. JPmedics Kumo

Today, we’ve got two unique chairs. Both are pricey. Both are massage chairs. Yet, both are excellent. But we’re putting them against one another, and for a reason…That is – they both use similar technologies. Yet, there’s a massive price gap between both chairs!

The Basics.

One chair uses 3D rollers motion (Luraco i7), and the other uses 4D (JPMedicss kumo). If you didn’t know, 4D is the best roller technology on the massage chair market…Yet, there’s a $2500 price gap between each chair!

Guess Which Chair’s Pricier?

It’s the Luraco i7, which has inferior technology. It doesn’t make sense, right? After all, you’d expect a 3D chair to cost (much) less than a 4D version. Basically, the Luraco i7 Plus is the more expensive of the two – at $9000 new. Alternatively, the JPMedics Kumo price midrange – at $6500 new.


So Fujimedic is Better?

It’s definitely cheaper. But that doesn’t make it better…Anyway, that’s why we have this review. We want to analyze the $2500 price difference. We’d like to know the reasons behind it…For Example): Is it a brand name thing? It is it superior quality? Or is it a pricing error by manufacturers? Keep reading to find out!


First – More Roller Analysis.

Thus far, the first trait we mentioned were the rollers. One has 3D, and the other has 4D. However, the roller differences don’t stop here. Fujimedic continues to outperform Luraco with an extra feature…That would be “roller heating.” And this means warmer massaging. The rollers now press on your back, while providing a “targeted warming effect”! This aids in muscle relaxation. It smoothens out tense muscles for an effective massage. Plus, with the 4D tech, you can rotate rollers in odd angles. And this lets you effectively massage “hard to reach” spots! But speaking of heating, that’ll be our next point…


Second – Heating Comparison.

So the Fujimedic chair has heated rollers…But this irrelevant, where the Luraco i7 has fully-body heating! And if you think about it, full heating is superior. After all, targeted heating does make for an odd massage experience…Part of your bodies stay cold – while others are warm. Thus, you get an uneven heat distribution. And in cold environments, it makes you shiver non-stop!


Fujimedic Fun Fact.

Did you know their chair was designed with “Chinese acupuncture” in-mind? That’s why you get heated rollers. It’s a way of focusing “sensory pressure” onto your back and necks…So in reality, those heated rollers aren’t for luxury. They’re more to suit a specific style of massaging!


The Verdict.

In the heating department, the Luraco i7 wins. But still, that doesn’t make up for its inferior roller technology…However, there’s more to a chair than rollers. So let’s move to the third point.


Third – Track Type.

Fujimedic uses an “L-Track.” That is, it uses one continuous track from the neck to hamstrings. Additionally, it provides separate rollers in the foot rest for leg massages. Luraco i7 doesn’t give info on its roller type. But, it mentions its massages as encompassing the same areas as Fujimedic. So they’re both equal in that regard.


Nice to Know.

Actually, it’s vital to know. Why pay $6500 to $9000 for chairs that don’t give full massages? If you’re getting less than that, you shouldn’t spend more than $3000!


Fourth – Chair Dimensions.

They matter, and for a reason. They define who can (and cannot) use each chair. Some chairs have weight limits on them. There are also height limits, specifically for the “headrest” and “footrest” extensions. We’ll shows those limits by listing specs below.

 Luraco i7 massage chair specs and review

Luraco i7 Plus Specs.

•47 x 38 x 81 inches.

•265 lbs. assembled weight.

•Suitable for heights (4’ 7”) to (6’ 7”).

•Suitable for up to 300 lbs. of weight.

 Fujimedic massage chair review

Fujimedic Kumo Specs.

•62.2 x 33.1 x 47.6 inches.

•Assembled weight (not available).

•Height and weight range (not available).



The Fujimedic chair doesn’t provide enough information on its specs. But we believe that its “dimensions” are enough…It gives us info on what the chair can tolerate. For starters, note the major height differences. That is 81 vs. 62 inches – in favor of Luraco i7. The Fujimedic chair is almost 25% shorter than Luraco. So expect it to accommodate shorter heights on average… That is, people exceeding 6’ 4” might struggle. Then there’s weight. Luraco i7 can tolerate up to 300 lbs. (or gross obesity). But we don’t assume Fujimedic’s capacity to be that high. With less mass, the chair will strain (possibly collapse) from use by heavier folk.


The Verdict.

Over all, the Luraco i7 seems to suit a wider market. It’s also heavier, which give it more advantages over Fujimedic. Why? Because heaviness means durability. Also, heavier chairs tend to be “technologically equipped” and “highly padded” too! And third, big chairs are cozier. Psychologically, they give you a deeper feeling of security. However, note that this heaviness has a drawback. That is, the Luraco i7 is more difficult to move around. So before assembling one, make sure you carefully plan its location!


Fifth – Entertainment Options.

They matter with a massage chair. After all, they’re used for relaxation. And part of being relaxed involves entertainment…This can be anything, from reading a book, to sipping a hot drink.


Available Options.

Unfortunately, in the entertainment department, Fujimedic fails to deliver. The Fujimedic Kumo is basically a massage chair, and nothing else. Listening to music, napping, or drinking isn’t an option. The Luraco i7 is similar in this regard. Beyond a couple of speakers, you don’t get cup holders, pockets, or anything else…



Because they have other priorities. That is, both chairs are unique in their purpose. They’re not designed with normal consumers in-mind. They’re designed for medical purposes too! We alluded to this earlier when we mentioned the “acupuncture focus” of the Fujimedic chair. As for the Luraco i7, manufacturers label it as a medical chair. And it comes with many-many functions that make it so!


Sixth – Medical Options.

Let’s focus on the Luraco i7 for now. This chair comes with a “heart rate” and “blood pressure monitor”! It’s a get-well soon chair. If you’re in a sick bed, or suffering from chronic health problems, this is your friend. And it makes it very suitable for senior citizens too!


Seven – Controls.

Alright, back to comparing both chairs. Fujimedic and Luraco have their own control systems. You may find one more suitable than the other. And each has its own advantages… For starters, Luraco i7 uses a touch-screen remote. From the outset, this gives you a wide range of customization options. You can change your massaging experience as you wish! And you’ll see that in the ability to set “5 personal user memory settings.” So you have 5 unique ways to use it! Now, the Fujimedic Kumo uses physical controls. They look quite elegant. And they’re located on the right arm (with a metallic knob and fancy remote). So it’s easily accessible. And being a part of the chair, you can’t possibly lose it. But, it gives you much less customization than the Luraco i7.



The Luraco i7’s control is technologically superior. Its touch-screen remote comes with a side pouch. So it’s easy to store. It’s also quite large, so losing it is difficult!


Eight – Aesthetics.

The final item on our list. Functionality aside, massage chairs still count as furniture. So their colors and looks matter. We mentioned specs, and in terms of size, Luraco i7 wins. That is, unless you prefer smaller furniture (where Fujimedic wins). But let’s focus on color. The Fujimedic chair is white. Immediately, that color spells luxury, which is odd since it’s the cheaper of the two…As for Luraco, it’s chocolate brown. But it’s dark, so it works well with most furniture pieces. In color, they both get a pass. Just note that the light color of Fujimedic make it hard it to clean.


Conclusion: Which Chair is Better?

The Luraco i7 is $2500 costlier. But through this article, we’ve provided sufficient justifications for that…It’s larger by 25% in height. It’s cozier, and suits more height/weight ranges. And it gives you more control options… But that doesn’t mean that Fujimedic Kumo is bad. In fact, it’s a good chair. So we could say that both chairs are good deals for their value. Especially if you’re using them for medical purposes!

Massage Chair Review: INADA DreamWave vs. Bodyfriend Pharaoh
(0) Massage Chair Review: INADA DreamWave vs. Bodyfriend Pharaoh

Want to know which chair is best? This is something we’ll answer today! You see, the INADA and Pharaoh chairs are unique. They’re high end models. So they’re not budget chairs… You need a big wallet for either. And for that reason, a review is necessary. You’ve got to know the pros and cons of each. You’ve got to know which chair is worth the price tag. Today, we’ll do just that. We’ll break down each chair, and give you a verdict on which to get!


First – Similarities.

Both chairs are pricey. The INADA chair is $9000. And the Pharaoh is $8000. That’s at the top of massage chair market range. And for reference, that’s anywhere from $500 to $10,000. So you’re buying a luxurious piece of furniture. To an extent, this nullifies the cost difference. After all, if you’re willing to spend that much, then an extra $1000 difference doesn’t matter.


Basic Feature – Heating.

Both chairs gives you seat heating. They use infrared systems. And this makes them perfect for winter use. If you live in a cold area, both chairs work well for you. However, we’d say that the INADA chair wins in this trait. Because next to seat heating, it also gives you air circulation! And this means less sweat trapped. You can feel cozy, without drenching in your own moisture!


Another Feature – ZERO Gravity.

They’re available in all massage chairs over $2000 in price. To lack that would put those chairs to shame. But luckily, they do carry those features! With ZERO Gravity, you can switch into a supine position. This lets you use get massaged without gravity affecting your spinal cord. Not to mention, it makes them perfect for naps too!



Both chairs cost as much as low-end cars. So they’re big, conspicuous, and heavy. The INADA chair shipping weight is 367 lbs. (166 KG). And the Pharaoh’s is 390 lbs. (177KG). For perspective, a large fridge is anywhere from 250 to 400 lbs. And those are hard enough to move around…Those chairs are extremely heavy. And this means that after installation, they stay where they are. Both are getting shipped by expert handlers. And to change their positions, you’ll need assistance. So when buying either, you need a planned location. That’ll be a recreation room, a large private office, (or for businesses) a public salon.


So Size is Bad?

Not at all. Size has advantages. First, it means the chair can hold more weight. So obese people can use those chairs, without risk of damage!


Then there are electronics.

Massage seats aren’t heavy from “leather and foam padding.” They’re heavy due to the electronics installed…And with high end chairs, plenty of those electronics exist. They give you the endless features that only exist in luxury!


Speaking of Luxury…

It’s time we look at each chair in-depth. We’ll describe their unique features, and why you should buy one!

 Inada Dreamwave massage chair review

INADA Dream Wave Analysis.

This chair’s most striking feature is its color. It has a deep dark brown look. And right away, you can call this an advantage…Why? Because this color is excellent for furniture. You can fit this chair well with multiple interior décor designs. This chair works with neutrally colored walls and tiles. They also work well with antique furniture. Its color is more reminiscent of an office environment. As a result, you can use this chair in those environments!


Color Retention.

Darker furniture is known to show less stains. In a sense, this chair won’t easily show signs of overuse…It certainly won’t display spills and stains well. Not to mention, you can clean it off, since it’s made from leather!


Fabric & Upholstery.

It’s made from leather, which is a pro. But, it is synthetic leather… And this might be the first disadvantage on our list. After all, if you’re paying $9000, you’d expect real leather – right? Beyond the leather, there are certain complaints with upholstery. That is, it doesn’t look too elegant. We’ll leave the elegance factor for your tastes. The way we see it, this chair focuses more on a modern look than an elegant one. If you want elegance – try the Pharaoh chair (we’ll get to it soon).



Massage chairs aren’t for show (to an extent). If you’re buying one, you do so for functionality. And the INADA Dream Wave delivers that… For starters, it gives you 1000 manual massage options. And you don’t get much customization beyond that! However, if you want something that’s “click and use,” this chair supplies that too. It gives you 16 pre-programs for massaging.


Massage Technology.

The rollers of this chair use what INADA calls “Dream Wave Technology.” Here, the rollers move in a figure 8 motion. And this allows for a wide range of angles that push onto your back muscles!


Suitable for All Age Groups.

Got children or seniors using this chair? If so, you can set a program specifically for them. This chair provides youth sessions for gentle massages that correct and improve spinal health!


Storage Pockets & Cup Holders.

A key trait of this model. Oddly enough, both are lacking in the Pharaoh model. But they’re present in INADA. And this gives this chair a vital advantage…That is, it’s more “casual friendly.”

With cup holders and pockets, you can drink and read. You can store newspapers/magazines for a quick sift. You can add in your phone, tablet, or even work files! This makes the chair more convenient to use. You can actually multi-task with the INADA chair, making it suitable for “relaxing work”!


Remote Control.

Oddly enough, the Pharaoh model nowhere describes remote use. However, the INADA chair provides that. It allows for easy control of the chair. It lets you swap modes, change heating, and customize your massages!


Bodyfriend Pharaoh Analysis.

Let’s start with color and fabric. This chair comes with “gold/beige” leather. It’s a contrast to the INADA chair. But it gives it a different aesthetic…This chair looks more feminine. It’s more classical in style. It also looks like a “first class” airplane seat. So it does play the luxury role quite well. And this makes this chair more suitable for commercial use. After all, its looks do the marketing!

 Bodyfriend Pharaoh massage chair review


The Pharaoh comes with an SL frame. This is the “top line” standard for massage chair technology… And this piece of information is vital. Because it’s actually lacking in the INADA model. The INADA model’s rollers aren’t properly advertised. But this one’s rollers are. So you know what to expect on a “holistic” level. And the functionality doesn’t stop with the “SL frame.” Like the INADA model, this chair has automatic massage programs. But it comes with 3 less, with only 13 programs. Nevertheless, it makes up for its lack of options through comfort.



This chair is extremely well-padded from top to bottom. Its legs are adjustable, and are also thick. This makes it a comfortable chair for use by taller people! The padding also applies to the shoulders and head (both being adjustable). If anything, this chair cares much for posture. And it tries to maximize your position control at any given time!


ZERO Wall.

Most massage chairs come with a ZERO Gravity feature. The Pharaoh has that. But it takes it a step further with “ZERO wall traits.” Through it, you save space. You can slide the chair forwards and backwards, even in ZERO gravity positions. This lets you use it in small recreation rooms and salons!


That’s it for the Analysis.

Time for a verdict on each chair. Both are good. But they obviously suit different markets. The INADA chair works best for private consumers. It’s designed to mesh well with many interior decorative designs. And it comes with tools that maximize casual and individual use. However it’s slightly more expensive. But that’s something to expect, if you’re paying to be the only user. As for the Pharaoh chair, we see it works best in commercial environments. That doesn’t mean it’s bad for private use. You can buy it for that. But its design stresses a luxury look and function over casual use. If you’re a business owner (running a salon, spa, massage parlor), this is the chair to get.


Final Note.

Both chairs are serious investments. They’re expensive, where picking the right chair matters. Be sure to explore both in detail. Then, buy the chair that suits you best!

Massage Chairs vs. Therapists: Who Should You Choose?
(0) Massage Chairs vs. Therapists: Who Should You Choose?

That’s tough question. You can make a good case for either side. Sometimes, therapists are best. Other times, it’s a massage chair. So who should you choose? This is something we’ll help you with. Below, we’ll analyze both options. We’ll give you their pros and cons. And we’ll give you situations where they work best. Then, we’ll summarize which options suits who!

First – A Massage Therapist’s Advantages.

Traditionally, that’s what people think of when mentioning “massages.” They don’t consider chairs. In fact, that might be the last thought to cross their minds! And this is for a reason. Therapists are a more popular option… Therapists are more affordable than a chair. More people use them. And you can work alone too!


You can enjoy massage therapy sporadically.You can do it once a week, a month, or every holiday. So you have control over the “upfront costs” of massaging.You don’t spend more than 2 digits a session. In fact, you can get cheap offers if you’re a therapist’s regular!

Multiple Methods.

Massage therapy isn’t an exclusively Western activity. It’s a “medical art” if you want to call it that. It’s been used in Asia, Europe, and all civilizations throughout history. So you can try out many techniques. So with a therapist, you’re getting a buffet of relaxation! One day you can try a Swedish massage. And on another, you can try a Thai or Chinese version! And many of them are effective, where the use unique techniques. For example, a massage therapist can incorporate aromatherapy into your treatment. Or, they can use acupuncture (which is the Chinese version). Even better, your therapist can customize your sessions per your medical specifications!

Medical Massaging.

Maybe your muscular tension is exclusively focused in your back. Or, maybe it’s focused in your neck, arms, thighs, or other body parts. A therapist can effectively reach those locations. From there, they’ll design therapy to target those areas.

Another Alternative – DIY.

You can be your own therapist. You don’t need a therapist’s help. You can do the job at lower costs, if none! All you need is a little lotion, and a way to reach difficult spots. And if you can’t do it alone, just get the help of someone else! This could be a friend, a spouse, or a family member!


Massage therapy clinics are everywhere. You’re not restricted only to your home town, or spas near your residence… You can get a massage anywhere. As we mentioned before, it’s a common practice. And there are certified massage therapists everywhere! So you can get it at home. You can get it on holidays. And you can get it even when you relocate! 

Sounds Interesting.

Of course. But do note that getting a therapist (or being your own) has its drawbacks.

Second - Therapist Disadvantages. Over the long-term, it’s expensive. At least, it’s more expensive than getting a massage chair. You attend multiple sessions. And the more you attend, the more the costs wrack up… And this makes habitual visits expensive. In fact, if you want massaging to be a habit, a chair is your best bet.

Less Privacy.

For an effective massage, DIY isn’t your best option. Don’t get us wrong. You can use self-massage techniques effectively. But they don’t apply to your back and neck… And that’s where you need massaging most. So you need someone to massage you. And this isn’t a convenient option, if you’re someone relaxes in privacy.

Time Consuming.

Massage therapy takes a half hour for a proper session. This excludes the time needed to commute, get ready, and then finish and get back home. Over all, a single session lasts 1-2 hours, if not more. And you can’t do much while getting your massage… It’s hard watching TV or checking your phone. You can’t do anything on computer. And even reading can get difficult. That is, unless you’re getting massaged in a chair. In which case, you have many options at your disposal…

Speaking of Chairs…

We believe it’s time to discuss those. They offer a unique set of advantages that are better than a therapist visit!

Third – Massage Chair Benefits.

The first is independence. The chair is yours. You use it as you wish, and without the help of others. You can get a massage and relax without the interference of a therapist. And it suits people with an introverted disposition.

Upright Posture.

Massage chairs give you the rubs you need in a seated position. While you can swap to supine, this isn’t a “must.” It’s an option you can experience while trying to get a nap! But being upright is helpful. It frees you up for many activities next to your massage. You can read, finish work, talk to people, watch TV/videos, etc. Also, you can enjoy a nice drink while getting your massage. And that’s not something you get lying flat on your stomach!

It’s a Home Item.

And this means no need to venture outdoors. Want to get a massage? Just head over to your chair. You can start in a matter of seconds. And you can finish when you want too! With a massage chair, you can take breaks in between home work. Or, you can use it to relax after a long workday! No need to dress up. No need to be in public. And no need to leave the comfort of your home!

Extreme Comfort.

What point is a massage if you don’t feel comfortable? Massage chairs understand that principle. All massage chairs are well padded and cushioned to support you. A good massage chair supports your head, neck, legs, lower back, and gives you excellent arm rests! This comfort has added benefits. That is, you can use your massage chair as a napping bed. It’s quite comfortable. In midst of work hours, you can just fall asleep for a while. And the cushioning makes that a reality!

Many Options.

Just like massage therapy, chairs give different types of massages. And what you get differs from one model to another. With one chair, you get more rollers (for a more wholesome massage). Others let the rollers operate at different dimensions. This gives them more angles that target specific muscles! Also, there are pre-programmable modes for massage chairs. You can use those if you want something instant!

Fourth – Massage Chair Drawbacks.

Alright, so that’s it for the pros. Drawbacks aren’t many with massage chairs. There are only three to consider. And those drawbacks are easy to resolve. 


Massage chairs cost anywhere from $500 to $9000. Many of them lie in the $1000 to $3000 range. And that’s a hefty price to pay for a piece of furniture… However, a massage chair is something you only buy once. And maybe it gets replaced every 10 years. It’s a long-term investment. And you don’t need to be rich to own one. You just need to take proper care of one.

No Trial & Error.

A chair isn’t like a therapist. If you don’t like a chair, you can’t change it. You can’t head to a different massage therapist or spa… You’re often stuck with the chair. After all, they’re quite expensive (as we mentioned earlier). So you can’t sell one away without losing much of its value… And this means you need care picking one. You need to shop for a while and do deep research before committing.


Massage chairs are heavy. They weigh anywhere from 100 to 300 lbs. They’re difficult to move around. And most definitely, they’re not items you can assemble or disassemble yourself. You always need a specialist’s help (a company representative). And this costs money, especially if you change residence, and you take your chair with you.

Conclusion – What Should You Go For?

This is up to you.If you’re more socially withdrawn, with a stable lifestyle, and a need for solitude – get a massage chair. If you’re the opposite, with a less than stable residence, and need for a social environment, sign up for a therapist. However, there’s no harm in trying both. You can own a massage chair and opt for a therapist, if you have the money. Or, you can regularly visit a spa to try different massage chairs, before buying your own. Whatever option you choose, before sure to explore before committing to a choice!